Troubleshoot Learning

How to troubleshoot and monitor learning

What You’ll Learn

  • How to ensure learning is working and monitor learning

Check Examples

If Foyle is learning there should be example files in ${HOME}/.foyle/training

ls -la ~/.foyle/training

The output should include example.binpb files as illustrated below.

-rw-r--r--    1 jlewi  staff   9895 Aug 28 07:46 01J6CQ6N02T7J16RFEYCT8KYWP.example.binpb

If there aren’t any then no examples have been learned.

Trigger Learning

Foyle’s learning is triggered whenever a cell is successfully executed.

Every time you switch the cell in focus, Foyle creates a new session. The current session ID is displayed in the lower right hand context window in vscode.

You can use the session ID to track whether learning occured.

Did The Session Get Created

  • Check the session log
curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8877/api/foyle.logs.SessionsService/GetSession -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"contextId\": \"${CONTEXTID}\"}" | jq .
  • If this returns not found then no log was created for this sessions and there is a problem with Log Processing

  • The output should include

    • LogEvent for cell execution
    • LogEvent for session end
    • FullContext containing a notebook
  • Ensure the cells all have IDs

Did we try to create an example from any cells?

  • If Foyle tries to learn from a cell it logs a message here
  • We can query for that log as follows
jq -c 'select(.message == "Found new training example")' ${LASTLOG}
  • If that returns nothing then we know Foyle never tried to learn from any cells
  • If it returns something then we know Foyle tried to learn from a cell but it may have failed
  • If there is an error processing an example it gets logged here
  • So we can search for that error message in the logs
jq -c 'select(.level == "Failed to write example")' ${LASTLOG}
jq -c 'select(.level == "error" and .message == "Failed to write example")' ${LASTLOG}

Ensure Block Logs are being created

  • The query below checks that block logs are being created.
  • If no logs are being processed than there is a problem with the block log processing.
jq -c 'select(.message == "Building block log")' ${LASTLOG}

Check Prometheus counters

Check to make sure blocks are being enqueued for learner processing

curl -s http://localhost:8877/metrics | grep learner_enqueued_total 
  • If the number is 0 please open an issue in GitHub because there is most likely a bug

Check the metrics for post processing of blocks

curl -s http://localhost:8877/metrics | grep learner_sessions_processed
  • The value of learner_sessions_processed{status="learn"} is the number of blocks that contributed to learning
  • The value of learner_sessions_processed{status="unexecuted"} is the number of blocks that were ignored because they were not executed